About Us

Registration is open :)

Registration closes 28 March 2025 at 5pm. No exceptions.


Registration portal

Volunteer here 

Frequently asked questions


Registration is only considered complete once payment has been received.



Vibrant, interactive and engaging competition platforms for learners across the world.


Master Spelling Bee seeks to:

  • Influence the educational landscape firstly in South Africa, then Africa and the world by providing a platform for learners to engage with educational material in a competitive space
  • Build professional, intense and enjoyable world class competitions for participants and spectators
  • Instill excellence in participants, organizers and volunteers

Our Purpose: 

  • To set a platform for learners in South Africa to improve skills associated with good spelling habits.
  • To help learners enhance their competitive skills under pressure.
  • To provide an opportunity for learners to understand their skills and capability in spelling.

Who can participate?

  • Learners from grade 4 -12 are eligible to participate. A learner may be younger but may not be more than 2 years older than the generally expected age of that specific grade. Example: a grade 4 learner is generally expected to be 10 during their grade 4 year so a participant may not be older than 12 years at the end of the calendar year.
  • Although the child must be registered at any school in the Republic of South Africa they do not have to register as part of a school group. Registration can be done individually without the assistance of the school.
  • Learners must however register within the scheduled date and time to be eligible for participation.
  • Participants must have paid required registration fee as mentioned in the Registration & Fees section below.


-Bumble Bees                  grade 4-6

-Honey Bees                     grade 7-9

-Melittidae Bees              grade 10-12

How does the Competition work?

Every learner can participate in the regional competition.

Only the top 10 are invited to the provincial competition.

From the provincial competition, only the top 5 are invited to the National competition.

There are 3 winners at National level.


Do you have what it takes to be South Africa’s next Master Speller?